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Gears,Brake Valve, Fittings, & Misc stuff

Gears,Brake Valve, Fittings, & Misc stuff  

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Author: motokid49   Date: 1/12/2024 8:44:38 AM  +6/-0  

Eight sets of 10 spline gears: 19/23, 18/28, 22/33, 20/24, 25/31, 21/21, 22/27, and 18/24, line fittings, heims, bracket to straighten axle tubes, brake proportion valve, clecos, and miscellaneous other items. Asking $250 for everything or make offer...time to clean out the shop, all must go! Pick up on Manahawkin. 732 573 5564 

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Gears,Brake Valve, Fittings, & Misc stuff +6/-0 motokid49 1/12/2024 8:44:38 AM