8 Foot Sheet Metal Brake  

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Author: Ron B   Date: 12/26/2024 11:33:19 AM  +8/-0  

Dreis & Krump brand, Chicago model 818 in very good condition.  No issues, works as it should. Weighs about 1500 lbs.  I will load it for you onto your open truck or trailer with our fork lift at no charge.  Don't show up with some old dry rotted clothesline or a couple of Hasbro rated straps to tie it down with.  You will need 4 (not 2) ratchet straps like the ones you would tie down a vehicle with.   Delivery, safe unloading and spotting at your shop is available for reasonable charges plus bridge/road tolls for my truck and trailer.   Located a few Miles south of New Egypt Speedway .  This is a cash only sale.  $1800  

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8 Foot Sheet Metal Brake +8/-0 Ron B 12/26/2024 11:33:19 AM