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Sheet Metal Stomp Shear $375

Sheet Metal Stomp Shear $375  

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Author: Ron B   Date: 11/29/2024 11:56:44 AM  +8/-0  

Pexto 32" squaring shear.  SHARP!  works as it should.  Cuts .050 aloomy with ease. Just pulled out of a century old plumbing & heating shop. Dated early 1930's.  Actually has the cast iron folding side shelves and I found a front square'n arm for it in a corner of the old shop.  Handy tool to have in the race shop at a great price.  I will load it for you with our fork lift.  Located a few miles south of New Egypt Speedway next to Fort Dix (Joint Base MDL) zip code 08068. Bring a couple of ratchet straps with you.  This sum bitch is top heavy af. Call or text my cellie 8am to midnight 609-234-7384 Cash Only!

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Sheet Metal Stomp Shear $375 +8/-0 Ron B 11/29/2024 11:56:44 AM