Set up, Fab, Race Day Tools  

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Author: Harold D   Date: 7/7/2024 7:41:01 PM  +7/-0  

Cleaning out the garage, 7" grinder, Milwaukee 3 1/2 band saw, Greenlee large throat 4 1/2 band saw, Gear tote 2 sets of gears (ratio written on gear case) Bump steer gauge complete, coleman steel wide 5 hub covers. Used with a magnetic caster / camber gauge. IR long anvil impact gun with quick socket, 2 nitrogen regulators and lug nuts.

Best offer on all items, If you could use them all, make an offer on the lot. Text / call 732-552-5588 Thanks SJDR

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Set up, Fab, Race Day Tools +7/-0 Harold D 7/7/2024 7:41:01 PM