2018 Teo Roller Sell Out  

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Author: johnjr   Date: 11/13/2023 9:12:43 AM  +7/-0  

2018 Teo tall age seat back torsion bar car #1828 raise nose 5-degree motor plate 8inch offset left & right panhard bar art radiator and shroud Bert transmission /bell 52 front axle w/big bearing hub 411 winters 8# ring gear smart tube rear 2 long left tube floating rotors 9 to 1 steering box 22gal atl fuel cell, kirkey seat bilstein shocks. Including spare 411rear compete with birdcage hub rotors front axle. Torsion arm front bumper rub rail inner hoop axle brackets shock towers shocks tor arm all parts I have for two some tires body useable need doors $9500 or best offer 609 743-3166

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2018 Teo Roller Sell Out +7/-0 johnjr 11/13/2023 9:12:43 AM